Copper(II) Permanganate Cu(MnO4)2 Molecular Weight — EndMemo.Click to see full answer. Accordingly, what is the chemical name of Cu MnO4 2? Ionic Compound Naming and Writing Formulas List 2 A B Copper(II) Hydrogen Carbonate Cu(HCO3)2 Copper(II) Hydroxide Cu(OH)2 Copper(II) Nitrate Cu(NO3)2 Copper(II) Permanganate Cu(MnO4)2 Also, what common compounds is copper found in? Copper compounds and minerals are often green or blue. The most common minerals include malachite, a bright green carbonate, and azurite, a blue-green basic carbonate. Among the major copper ores are cuprite, CuO, chalcopyrite, CuFeS2, and bornite, Cu5FeS4. Moreover, what is the formula for copper II bicarbonate? Copper(II) Bicarbonate Cu(HCO3)2 Moles to Grams — EndMemo.What is the compound of copper?Copper(II) compounds of commercial value include cupric oxide (CuO), cupric chloride (CuCl2), and cupric sulfate (CuSO4). Cupric oxide is a black powder that occurs as the minerals tenorite and paramelaconite.