What 'Real World' Star Danny Roberts Life Became

October 2024 · 5 minute read

In 2000, Danny Roberts found himself thrust into the unfamiliar world of reality television when he and seven other young adults were recruited to star in The Real World: New Orleans. Roberts, like his fellow cast members, was a young adult scrambling to find his footing in the world at a time when reality TV had not become part of the everyday American lexicon. However, unlike other house guests, Roberts was also grappling with surviving in a world that blatantly forbid him to express his sexuality.

Although Roberts skyrocketed to fame at a time when LGBTQ persons were becoming more visible in Hollywood, he was certainly one of his kind. Danny’s wholesome personality and confident sexuality gradually won over his predominantly young adult and teenage audience, transforming him into a revered gay icon. Danny’s stint on reality TV ended when The Real World: New Orleans wrapped production in May 2000. Here’s everything we know about his life after The Real World.

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8 Where Does Danny Roberts Live?

Danny Roberts and his six-year-old daughter, Naiya Sage, live in a rustic cabin nestled in the lustrous Green Mountains of southern Vermont. In an interview with Esquire, Roberts admitted that he abandoned the bustling city life for a quaint life in the woods amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Roberts also told Esquire that he “highly recommends that everyone abandon their life and live in the woods for a year or two. It's good for you.”

7 Is Danny Roberts Still Dating Paul Dill?

The Real World broke television norms by showcasing Danny Roberts’ relationship with his military boyfriend, Paul Dill.

In his interview with Esquire, Danny disclosed that he and Dill were “together for like eight years after we did that show. He was still in the military, so we had to live a very bizarre underground life.”

6 Why Did Danny Roberts And Paul Dill Break Up?

Danny Roberts and Paul Dill were seemingly the perfect couple. However, in his interview with Esquire, Danny Roberts confessed that his relationship with Dill became codependent over time.

Tragically, the former Real World star was unable to leave because he “felt called to a higher purpose because it [The relationship] was held up by so many as an ideal.”

5 Is Danny Roberts In A Relationship?

Danny Roberts was married to Wes Pereria between 2013 and 2018. Despite Vermont’s miniscule LGBTQ community, Roberts has managed to build a meaningful romantic relationship with one of the locals.

Roberts recently told HuffPost, “Amazingly, I met a dairy farmer who lives 15 minutes down the road from me. Sometimes in life, you’ve got to believe that the universe is in action.” The reality TV star also revealed to The New York Times that his new beau had no idea he’d been on TV and quite possibly didn’t grow up with cable.

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4 Danny Roberts Works In The Tech Industry

Roberts spent ten years championing LGBTQ rights through advocacy and public education, before moving to Atlanta, Georgia to become a tech recruiter. The reality TV star is currently a senior recruiter at a tech company based in Boston, Massachusetts.

Surprisingly, Roberts’ co-workers are unaware of his reality TV stint. Danny recently told Esquire, “I work with a lot of twenty-somethings. They have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, why I've been away on PTO.”

3 Danny Roberts Has Been Living With HIV Since 2011

In a 2018 interview with Entertainment Tonight, Danny Roberts revealed that he had been living with HIV since 2011. At the time, Danny equated having HIV to “a crappy old cell phone with a huge app eating your energy.”

Danny also reflected on his journey with HIV saying, “I had so many negative feelings I was forced to face. I’ve been on such a journey to overcome that.” The reality TV star later added, “The last thing I ever want is pity. I just want people to know and be aware. I knew so little myself, so I get it.”RELATED: The Cast Of 'The Real World: Austin': Where Are They Now?

2 Danny Roberts Is Starring In A New Reality Show

Paramount Plus has enlisted Danny Roberts and other The Real World: New Orleans cast members to star in a reboot dubbed The Real World Homecoming: New Orleans.

Speaking to HuffPost, Roberts admitted that he was caught off guard by the project. “It never crossed my mind that this show would be revisited this late in the game. Most of my cast had tucked this away as a memory and moved on.”

1 Danny Roberts’ Thoughts On Reviving His Reality TV Career

Danny Roberts was initially reluctant to resurrect his reality TV career, preferring to leave that aspect of his life locked away in memory.

Roberts recently told ET, “This is probably the last thing that I expected to happen in this stage of life. Even though it was terrifying at first and all my instincts said don’t do it, it’s been a bit of a gift.”

NEXT: How One Iconic Fight On The First Season Of ‘The Real World’ Continues To Make An Impact Today
