The TikTok world is a relentless black hole of drama, controversies, and, of course, the weirdest trends one can possibly think of. Some might argue that in the near future, TikTok could become our primary source of content due to the pause in film and TV series production caused by the SAG and WGA strikes. Despite being a bitter pill to swallow, it’s time to accept that influencers hold the reins of entertainment content. The focus of this week’s events centers around TayBeepBoop and Kaarin Joy.
Recommended VideosFor the past few days, we have all been subjected to witnessing the self-entitled DIY queen TayBeepBoop sparking unnecessary conflict with influencer Joy. With numerous videos exchanged between these two TikTokers, determining who is right or wrong becomes quite challenging. Moreover, for the average TikTok user who scrolls away their time, understanding the actual events becomes even more perplexing. If you’re curious, here’s a simple breakdown of everything that went on.
What’s the drama between TayBeepBoop and Kaarin Joy?
Taybeepboop and Kaarin Joy Drama from beginning to end Tays videos have been shortened. Check her page for full videos. #kaarinjoy #kaarinjoydrama #ottostudiowallpaper #taybeepboop #taybeepboopdrama #taybeepboopapology #taybeepboopwallpaper #diy #diycommunity #diydrama #littlescarystories #wallpaper #interiordesign #colorfuldiy
♬ Suspense, horror, piano and music box – takayaUltimately, it all began when TayBeepBoop, a popular DIY content creator and artist, posted a now-deleted video highlighting the eerie similarities between her own work and that of Kaarin Joy. Within these ‘coincidences,’ TayBeepBoop points out that Joy painted her kitchen with blue and green, crafted wall art reminiscent of both TayBeepBoop’s and her husband’s creations, and even made a mirror similar to one TayBeepBoop had previously created.
Given that TayBeepBoop’s entire schtick revolves around DIY-ing and crafting everything around the house, it’s not surprising to most that Joy drew inspiration from the content creator. After all, the essence of DIY is to craft those items ourselves. Regrettably, TayBeepBoop didn’t share this perspective and created a video explaining how Kaarin Joy’s content was centered around crafting similar material.
In due course, Kaarin Joy presented her side of the narrative, revealing that she had been a devoted admirer of TayBeepBoop’s content for an extended period of time. This admiration frequently propelled her to create crafts akin to those crafted by the DIY creator. Furthermore, Joy clarified that TayBeepBoop had messaged her before, requesting that she cease producing content influenced by her work. This all led to TayBeepBoop crafting the video mentioned earlier, wherein she highlighted the alleged “coincidences.”
Of course, it didn’t take long for TayBeepBoop to post an apology video, where she deemed her behavior as “wild and inappropriate,” admitting that she did not believe she had done “anything wrong,” for a long time. In the end, she apologized to Kaarin Joy, admitting to her mistakes after realizing it hadn’t been fair to ultimately gatekeep art that wasn’t hers.
While both parties apologized and shared their perspective on the issue, many netizens are still adamant about forgiving TayBeepBoop’s actions, with some comments under her video taking a less appreciative approach. “6/10. needs ukulele,” one user humorously added, while many others simply kept asking if they needed permission every time they wanted to create anything similar to hers.
Can I get that excact catus on the top left of your mirror or do I need to ask permission?
maddie ᰔᩚᰔᩚHonestly this whole drama was so juicy. I loved every minute.
Danielle RamirezDo you own the blue and green color combo?? Did you invent the mossy mirror?
Amy JonesIn the end, TikTok will continue to provide the world with its fair share of dramas to keep us all glued to our screens – even in the wholesome realm of arts and crafts.