Who are the Harpers in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves?

July 2024 · 2 minute read

Right now, the Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves movie is out and doing respectable financial and excellent critical business. One of the hallmarks of the rare successful adaptation of a game property is its lack of explanation of several things. The Harpers are one of those things in this case and — in the lore — they are a group with an immensely complex history.

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As shown in the story, the Harpers are a semi-secret organization dedicated to doing good throughout the land and are also known as “Those Who Harp.” They are also responsible for maintaining a balance between nature and civilization and, as in the film where (spoilers if you have not seen it, obviously) actor Chris Pine’s character struggles to make money, members of his Jedi-like organization have to ask nothing in return for help and must help others without any concern for how much something may cost.

Unlike their peers from the Star Wars franchise, only some Harpers have the ability to use magic and they do not maintain an official headquarters akin to the other exterminated and often resurrected groups’ temples. The closest thing is Twilight Hall, which is part of a network of buildings within the city of Berdusk and even this is not known to every group member, as sometimes Harpers operate completely on their own or in small cells which are not necessarily aware of others who are nearby their locations.

Whether we will see more of the group — or the fact its members are more often women — in a sequel remains to be seen. The directors of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves are up for it, though they say they were not planning for a franchise, and, if one were to happen, they would hope to stick with the same cast and characters in order to jump into a new story quickly. So, we could see Pine’s Edgin again, and, if so, they just may give him the ability to use some magic while on a new adventure.

A television show is also being planned for Paramount Plus and it has a series order already, so stay tuned. In the meantime, if you want to learn more about Dungeons & Dragons or explore the recent controversy surrounding the license for the infamous tabletop game and how the company which controls it has responded, you can do so by clicking here to read our report on the whole mess.
