Who Has The Diary In Outer Banks? Is It Kiara or The Pogues?

June 2024 · 6 minute read

John B and his dad Big John have the journal in External Banks season 3. The Pogues get the journal from the dealers.

External Banks is a cherished activity experience secret youngster show made by Jonas Pate, Josh Pater, and Shannon Burke.


The primary season arrived on Netflix on April 15, 2020.

Following its prominence, the organization reestablished it for two further series. With the amazing Season 2 finale broadcasted on July 30, 2021, the series returned for its third season on February 23, 2023.

Set locally in the External Banks of North Caroline, the show profiles the contention between two adolescent gatherings.

It grandstands an unmistakable social split between well off occupants (called Screwballs) and common local people (Pogues).

John B and his dad Big John have the journal in Episode 4 of External Banks Season 3. The dad and child team chase after the first duplicate of the journal.

As Mr. Sunn was not home, the team broke in and began sniffing around. Unexpectedly, a few dealers assault them and take the first duplicate of Denmark Tanny’s journal for themselves.

John and his dad pursue them on dry land. Before long they commandeer a fly ski and follow the hooligans, arriving at a stalemate on the water. The dealers were chipping away at sake of Mr. Singh.

As they get away from on their boat, Big John attempts to haggle with them expressing that the journal is useful, however they could bring in more cash once they track down the genuine fortune.

Sadly, the thugs had different thoughts and plan to kill John and take his dad to Singh. Big John quickly sorts out their aim and shoots both the runners.

John thoroughly searches in shock as his dad throws the departed bodies into the water and covers his tracks. He then gets the important journal and brings up to his child that he had no other decision except for to do this.

Whenever watchers first see or catch wind of the Denmark Tanny is by means of a past picture hanging in Ward Cameron’s office in Tannyhill Estate.

Denmark was the organizer behind Tannyhill. As the plot loosens up, we discover that he is considerably more than simply a picture.

External Banks is about secret fortunes and the center of the series rotates around this character’s inheritance.

Born in 1806, Tanny was an oppressed man who filled in as a cook on the Illustrious Dealer transport. Unfortunately, the boat sank, and being the main overcomer of the boat, he gathered all the fortune – yet didn’t save everything for himself.

He utilized the fortune to be free and bought what might later turn into the Tannyhill Ranch. He likewise utilized the fortune to free all the Kildare Island’s oppressed individuals, including his three children.

As the dad and child battled with the hooligans, the remainder of the group gets back from the Caribbean. In the interim, Cleo guarantees Pope all will be great in spite of being careful about his folks.

Kiara gets rejoined with her well off wacko guardians in their home, while Pope’s folks are personal and embrace their darling child in a Pogues area of town.

Kiara then, at that point, meets with JJ, who is infuriated by the cruel real factors of his home. She almost kisses him on the boat and examines this turn of events. JJ accepts they would be horrendous sincerely and Kiara is wealthy.
As Kie endeavors to guard herself and battle for them, JJ doesn’t tune in and drives off on his bicycle to scowl all over.

Before long, she finds out about Rafe’s return from Sarah.

She refreshes JJ about Rafe’s plan to gather the cross. Finally, JJ and Kie choose to remain old buddies and make a détente.

With the arrival of the most current time of External Banks, fans are thrilled to jump profound into the experience of the Pogues.

The principal episode saw the Pogues – John B, KK, Kie, Cleo, Pope, and Sarah-being abandoned on a remote location. A helicopter spots them and takes them to the close by island of Barbados.
A misconception with the pilot drives them to crash land into the inlet. Kiara is taken prisoner via Carlos Singh while others plan her departure.

In the following episode, JJ attempts to contact Sing, yet this misfires, and the supervisor finds them. While he and his thugs are diverted to follow the teenagers, Rafe and Kie escape.

When the group is undeniably rejoined, John hears church chimes ringing somewhere far off. He reviews the sounds that his dad used to call him toward the congregation. Before long, Singh’s hooligans take shots at the boat, and the gathering is driven out without John.

Episode 3 saw John entering the congregation and rejoining with his father, who he thought had died. As the plot goes on, the dad and child attempt to recover the journal and simultaneously, Big John kills the dealers.

The dad and child head to Charleston to track down the icon. In Episode 6, Big John has Tanny’s journal and the antique, Gnomon of Solana.

Toward the finish of the episode, Singh takes Big John while his child figured out how to get away.

Then, John and JJ head to Sowell’s home looking for signs. They found Neville residing on a houseboat. The kingpin’s men assault him, yet the team assists him with getting away.

Neville then gives him the arrangement to follow his dad yet will not reach out.

John and JJ have no cash or identifications except not entirely set in stone to go to South America to save Big John. In the last episode, John and Sarah find and free his father while on their movements.

Utilizing Denmark’s journal, Big John interprets the Gnomon. The kingpin requests the signs, yet he won’t tell prompting a shootout.

Big John is shot. Presently John and Sarah head towards a cavern, following the signs.

They utilize the second sign to find El Dorado through a mysterious entryway. As the couple was gathering big lumps of gold, Mr. Singh intercedes.

Big John promptly tosses explosive and the cavern explodes, killing Singh.

Ward attempts to take the gold from Sarah, yet she rejects. Ward forfeits his life to safeguard his girl and kills Ryan. John’s father drains out. Big John and Ward are covered in the wilderness.
