Who is Nia Jax to Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock? All you need to know

June 2024 · 4 minute read

Nia Jax and The Rock may have zero to no interactions in WWE yet, but they are closer than most fans know. Aside from their similarities as wrestlers, they are related to each other as part of the Anoa'i Family.

Jax is the second cousin once removed of The Rock. The RAW star is the daughter of Renate and Joseph Fanene, and the latter is the first cousin of Dwayne Johnson's grandfather, Peter Maivia. Aside from the Hollywood actor, she is also related to Roman Reigns, Jimmy, and Jey Uso.

Although it has been a while since The Rock and Nia Jax had any interactions, the latter hangs out with Dwayne's daughter and current NXT star Ava. Both women have posted photos with each other several times on social media.

Other members of the Anoa'i family that wrestled in the Stamford-based promotion include Rikishi, Yokozuna, Umaga, and much more. Outside of the mentioned company, Trinity Fatu (FKA Naomi), Zilla Fatu, and Sam Fatu are also making headlines in the wrestling community.

Does Nia Jax have a good relationship with The Rock?

Nia and The Rock are also related to Tamina Snuka

The Anoa'i family is one of the most well-known wrestling dynasties out there. Unsurprisingly, the family has a close relationship, and The Brahma Bull doesn't shy away from showcasing his support for his cousins on multiple occasions.

When Nia began her main roster run in 2017, Dwayne quickly praised her improvement inside the ring. The Brahma Bull even complimented the rest of the women's division.

Although Nia and Dwayne have a close relationship, it is still something she initially wanted to hide. In a 2018 interview with Yahoo, Jax revealed that after attending wrestling training, she requested The Rock not to tell people they're related as she wanted to have a fair shot.

"I specifically asked him [The Rock], 'Please make sure that nobody knows we’re related,'" Nia remembers. "I wanted to go in and have a fair shot."

What has Nia Jax been up to since her WWE return?

Jax initially returned to the 2023 Women's Royal Rumble but made her full-time comeback in September. She is currently feuding for Rhea Ripley's Women's World Championship.

The 39-year-old is scheduled at Crown Jewel in a Fatal Five-way match against The Eradicator, Raquel Rodriguez, Zoey Stark, and Shayna Baszler.

It remains to be seen if Nia and The Rock will ever share the WWE ring in the future.

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