Valerie Duffy, Ph.D., who researched pregnancy cravings, found that hankerings for sour food tend to occur more often in the second and third trimesters, rather than in the first trimester (via Parents). She believes this phenomenon has to do with a woman's body doing its best to supply enough calories for the growing baby.
While vinegar doesn't have many calories, it can be placed on everything, from nutritionally dense salads and protein-packed sandwiches to french fries and chips. The options for vinegar are also varied, so the urge to consume it can lead you to eat a lot of different nutrients that your body needs.
One of the most common pregnancy cravings is pickles. It makes sense because pickles are soaked in brine, which is made up of vinegar, so they satisfy an urge for sour flavors as well as the intense salt craving that is common during pregnancy (via Pregnancy Food Checker).