Why Howard Stern Is Happy Johnny Depp Looks Like A "Bloated Mess"

April 2024 · 4 minute read

Everyone is talking about the upcoming results of the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial. For weeks, every news outlet and almost every person on social media has been dissecting each moment of the high-profile defamation trial. Whether it was Johnny skillfully roasting Amber's attorney on the stand or Amber copying Johnny's outfits, there's been no shortage of outlandish moments.

While radio legend Howard Stern tends to adore delving into these celebrity car wreck moments, he has voiced a somewhat differing opinion than most. One look online shows that the vast majority side with Johnny despite Amber's horrific claims and his gruesome text messages about her. But Howard thinks they're both "narcissists" and "children". That doesn't mean Howard hates watching the trial. In fact, there's one thing about it that makes him particularly happy... Johnny Depp's current appearance...

Howard Stern Is Happy Johnny Depp Aged

Howard Stern is thrilled that Johnny Depp doesn't look as good as he used to. On May 9th, 2022, Howard delved into his own insecurities about his looks as he does quite frequently. But it was during this rant that he belittled Johnny for gaining weight and letting his lifestyle catch up with him. Howard, who has always been open about believing himself to be "ugly", has maintained a very healthy lifestyle and therefore is blown away that he's currently fitter than a man once considered to be one of the hottest around.

"I like looking at Johnny Depp now, on TV, he looks like a bloated f***ing mess, huh?" Howard asked his co-host, Robin Quivers. "It's great!"

"I know! It's just like, 'That's Johnny Depp'?" Robin responded.

"I got a feeling that I'm almost as f***able as Johnny Depp, maybe not as f***able but almost as f***able," Howard joked.

Howard went on to say that Johnny also came across as quite a "bore" despite his colorful and odd-ball vocabulary and demeanor. In his mind, it proves that once good-looking people don't have to develop much in the way of a good personality.

Howard Stern Thinks Johnny Depp And Amber Heard Are "Narcissists"

Howard made news at the end of April 2022 for calling Johnny a "narcissist" and claiming he was overacting during his testimony and cross-examination. In Howard's opinion, Johnny was desperately trying to make newsworthy moments that would help exonerate him and boost his public standing. Howard cited Johnny's dramatic pauses and his language choice (I.E. "dropping a grumpy") as examples of this.

Whether or not Johnny actively tried to manipulate public opinion, there's no doubt that this was the result. Still, Howard has maintained that the whole ordeal actually makes both Johnny and Amber come across extremely poorly.

Related: Johnny Depp Couldn't Contain Himself During Alejandro Romero's 'Bizarre' Testimony At Amber Heard Trial

"It's not going well for you, it's not going well for her," Howard said on-air, speaking to a metaphorical Johnny. "It's not going well for anybody. You sound like two battling children. It's just coming off really badly."

Related: Johnny Depp And Amber Heard Battle It Out For Most Bizarre Trial Moment So Far

"It's not benefiting either of them," Howard said on air on May 9th. "What an embarrassment."

On May 16th, Howard addressed claims that he was one of the few celebrities who publicly support Amber Heard over Johnny Depp. Howard admitted that he doesn't know if he supports her or not. "I'm not for Johnny Depp but I'm not for Amber Heard," Howard stated. "I'm afraid of her, I'm afraid of him, I'm afraid of the whole thing. The only one I feel bad for in the whole thing is the dog that got blamed for s***ing in the bed."

In other recent segments on The Howard Stern Show on Sirius satellite radio, the acclaimed host stated that he doesn't think Amber's testimony was all that convincing. Additionally, he stated that her behavior in her relationship with Johnny also appeared to be questionable. But most of the time, he's gone off on Johnny for putting the whole ordeal on television for the world to see. Howard believes Johnny to be "nuts" for doing so. Not only has it aired all of his dirty laundry making him out to be quite a challenging individual, but it's showed how much of a spectacle he wanted the deeply troubling situation to become.

Related: Johnny Depp Couldn't Stop Laughing When Amber Heard's Team Brought This Up To A Disney Executive

Despite the world taking sides, despite not really knowing what went on behind closed doors, Howard Stern has remained out of the fight. That is with the exception of calling out what he perceives to be "narcissism" in them both. Howard has said that he is qualified to make this judgment because he too has narcissistic tendencies.

But all of that aside, Howard appears to be taking some delight in Johnny's current appearance. Mostly because Johnny's state brings the once heralded hottie down to a more human level.

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