Never has sitting on a plane been so entertaining. A woman named Kelly Keegs live-tweeted a couple’s epic in-flight meltdown on Sunday, Aug. 23.
“This guy on the plane just broke up w his girlfriend and she’s SOBBING,” Keegs tweeted, along with a photo of the poor girl crying.
From there, the pair got into an emotional argument about their relationship, how the girl paid an extra $40 for her seat, and a mystery woman named “Charlotte.”
In a bizarre turn of events, their spat ended in a makeout session and the flight attendant actually served them six mini vodkas with Bloody Mary mix.
Read the epic tweets below and be thankful you’re not a part of this roller coaster of a romance. For the record, Keegs later told Bar Stool Sports that the couple were 100 percent intoxicated. But still…
This guy on the plane just broke up w his girlfriend and she’s SOBBING pic.twitter.com/IW9QVYxXdB
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 23, 2015
Guy: “is this really a surprise? Are you seriously surprised at this information?”
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Girl: “Great. JUST GREAT. I’m so glad I paid 40 extra dollars to be on this fucking flight with you”
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Guy: I don’t care. Girl: IM GLAD YOU DONT CARE
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
“I don’t want to be this girl. I don’t want to be her. I want to be my best for you and YOU WONT LET ME”
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
This is the greatest plane delay I’ve ever had
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Girl: “Why is this so easy for you? It’s just THAT FUCKING EASY? What do you want from me?”
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Guy: “You need to calm down” Girl: “To me I just really thought, you know, this was going to go somewhere”
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
**loud sobs**
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Very stoic few minutes pic.twitter.com/eyt4YDlEj3
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Girl: “you should probably just stop talking. Just stop TALKING!!”
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
“I’m going to ask Charlotte. I’m going to ask her the minute we get home and we’ll see if your STORIES MATCH” (Omg scandal who’s Charlotte?)
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Guy: “I can’t discuss this anymore.” Girl: “so I’m not worth your time????”
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
**silent sobs, lots of sniffling**
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
What the fuck? Now they’re making out. I’m not kidding
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
We took off, they immediately ordered SIX vodkas and Bloody Mary mix for the 50 minute flight and chugged them in silence between makeouts
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— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015