Legendary artist Yoko Ono, whose new album Yes, I’m a Witch Too is out now, shared 25 interesting facts about herself with Us Weekly.
1. Since I turned 40, I’ve looked in the mirror and said, “Should I get a face-lift?” I never will.
2. My secret to eternal youth is to take an ice-cold bath once a day.
3. I have to admit, Gone With the Wind is still my favorite novel.
4. I smoked cigarettes for 15 years. And like Bill Clinton, I didn’t inhale.
5. I wasn’t into drugs. I didn’t smoke until John [Lennon, Ono’s late husband] gave me a cigarette at 34.
6. I prefer doing the Dougie to krumping.
7. Everybody thinks that 2001 is Stanley Kubrick’s greatest film. But I’ve always preferred Lolita. That one gives me a giggle.
8. I always had the hots for Alain Delon.
9. I have never slept more than three or four hours at a time. According to doctors, that’s not anything bad. In the middle of the night, it’s silent, it makes me feel like writing a song.
10. John and I wasted 15 years eating macrobiotic and drinking soy milk, when all I wanted was a little half-and-half.
11. Despite the fact that I love ice cream, and even dream about it, I haven’t had any in years.
12. I’ve also never had six-pack abs, even when I was young.
13. I never wore makeup until I turned 50.
14. The last time I had alcohol was a Pink Lady sometime in the 1950s.
15. I’m Japanese, but sometimes I feel I am Swiss-German.
16. I’ve tried to wear pink or purple. But I only feel good in black or white.
17. I’m happiest performing heavy rock on stage. But I listen to only Brecht or Schoenberg at home.
18. I know Mozart is supposed to be the greatest, but I prefer listening to Stravinsky underneath a gray sky.
19. Sometimes I feel lonely, but I prefer being alone.
20. I like the way sunglasses look. I even wear them in the theater. My son [singer Sean Lennon] always thought that was weird!
21. People tell me I’m 83. But it’s hard to believe that, because I feel 43.
22. I don’t know if people will hate me for saying this, but I always preferred The White Album to Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Don’t get me wrong, I love Pepper’s too, but . . .
23. If I had to be reincarnated as an animal, I would choose a sparrow.
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24. I had nothing to do with breaking up the Beatles. And I think Paul [McCartney] is a pretty cool dude.
25. Maybe people already know this, but I miss John every day.